In the heart of Jino Mobility lies IOT Device, a powerful hardware unit revolutionizing the way dealerships approach vehicle diagnostics. Unlike factory-installed or commonly accessible devices, our device captures a broad array of information from a vehicle’s CAN-bus system, providing unparalleled insights into the vehicle’s health.


Comprehensive Data Collection:

Our IOT device seamlessly integrates into a vehicle’s OBD II port, capturing essential data in real-time. By collecting a vast range of information, from engine performance to sensor readings, our device provides a comprehensive overview of the vehicle’s condition. This depth of data ensures that your dealership can make informed decisions, diagnosing issues with precision.


Real-Time Transmission to Jino Mobility Cloud:

The beauty of our IOT Device lies in its ability to transmit collected data promptly to the Jino Mobility cloud. Real-time transmission means that your dealership receives up-to-the-minute insights into your customers’ vehicles. This invaluable data not only aids in diagnostics but also enables predictive maintenance, ensuring that potential issues are addressed before they escalate.


Fueling Predictive Maintenance:

Jino Mobility, powered by IOT Device, heralds a new era of predictive maintenance. By analyzing the data collected, predictive algorithms can anticipate maintenance needs, allowing your dealership to proactively reach out to customers. This proactive approach not only minimizes downtime for your customers but also strengthens their trust in your dealership’s expertise.


Our IOT Device isn’t just a hardware unit; it’s the gateway to a future where vehicle diagnostics are precise, proactive, and customer-focused. By embracing our device  and integrating it into your operations, you equip your dealership with the tools needed to excel in the competitive automotive market. Stay ahead of the curve, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive your dealership’s success with our IOT device and Jino Mobility.

Jino mobility

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